Can't Find What You're Looking For?

Other Places to Look

We're sorry you can't find what you're looking for on the patient website. Here are some other websites and pages that may have the information you want:

Hospital Operator

For hospital visiting hours, patient room information, and other hospital-related information, call the hospital operator at 734-936-4000.

Appointment Information

For appointment information, visit our Appointment Information page or call the hospital operator at 734-996-4000. The hospital operator cannot schedule appointments for you but can refer you to a clinic that can assist you. If you have signed up for an account on the MyUofMHealth (link is external) patient portal, you can manage and request appointments with your U-M physician online. For information about eVisits and Video Visits, visit our Virtual Care page.

Find Information On Our Website

Find a Doctor

  • Are you looking for a new doctor? Visit our Find a Physician page, where you can search by name, condition or treatment.
  • Do you know your doctor's name or remember the letter it starts with, and are trying to find his or her location or phone number? Try using our Doctor A-Z listing.

Find Where a Building or Clinic is Located

Visit our Maps & Directions page to choose which set of maps and pages you'd like to view.

Get Parking Information

Get Help with the Patient Portal

Go to the Log-in page to log in to your account, use your Activation Code to create an account or to request an Activation Code.

Get Insurance or Billing and Financial Assistance Information

Find Information About Medical Conditions or Treatments

  • Conditions and Treatment page allows you to see an A-Z listing of conditions and treatments or choose a specialty to see sub-pages related to it
  • Healthwise Health Library has additional information about medical conditions and treatments along with tools and specialty-related learning centers
  • Patient Care Guides are written in plain language on a variety of health topics created or approved by University of Michigan clinicians

Website Feedback

To offer comments about your experience with this website,, fill out one of the pop-up surveys on our site or send an email to our website feedback address,

Refer a Patient

If you are a referring physician and want to refer a patient to the University of Michigan, call M-Line at 1-800-962-3555, 24 hours a day, or visit our For Health Providers website.