I have two strength and balance exercises I'd like to show you.
The first exercise is called sit to stand.
It builds up your core muscles ... here ... and the muscles in your legs ... here.
These muscles give you strength to help stop yourself if you start to fall.
You can do it just about anywhere, even while watching TV or listening to the news ...
And it's a safe way to improve your strength.
If you're concerned about keeping your balance while you do this, ask for some help.
The important thing is to use the right chair-one that is very stable, without wheels ... has a firm seat ... and isn't too high or too low ... but just right.
When you sit down ...
... make sure your feet are a little behind your knees ... like this.
That will make it easier to get up.
Then fold your arms across your chest, lean forward over your knees until your nose is over your toes, and then stand up.
If you can't quite do it, push up with one hand.
If you need to, use both hands, or try it with a chair that has a higher seat.
The goal is to get to the point where you can do it without using your hands.
If you start to feel dizzy while you do it, just sit down and rest.
But if you do feel dizzy, be sure to talk to your doctor about it.
You can make it more challenging by doing more of them.
Take time once a day to do 5 sit-to-stand exercises, if you can.
Try adding one more every 2 weeks.
The next exercise I'd like to show you is the "one-leg stand."
This exercise strengthens the muscles in your feet, ankles, knees, and hips.
These muscles help you feel steady on your feet and help you get your balance back if you feel like you're going to fall.
First, you stand up ... as tall as you can.
Then find something solid to hold onto that won't move ... like the kitchen sink.
Hold onto it with both hands.
Look straight ahead, and bend your right knee.
Don't bend your leg at the hip.
Bend it at the knee, so that your right foot goes behind you.
Try to hold your foot up while you count to 5, and then put it down again.
When you practice this on your own, raise each leg 10 times.