When a migraine starts, you and your plans come to a screeching stop.
But instead of taking your medicine right away, you may first try to talk yourself out of it.
Maybe you think it won't be a migraine this time ...
or you're worried because your medicine costs a lot, so you only want to take it if you're completely miserable.
Lots of people think that way too.
But waiting to take medicine for a migraine is one of the worst things you can do.
The best way to stop a migraine is to take your medicine right away.
So, at the first sign of a migraine, take your medicine according to directions.
Always keep your medicine with you, so you're ready when a headache starts.
Then after you take your medicine, rest in a quiet, dark room.
Close your eyes, and try to relax or go to sleep.
Don't watch TV or read.
Put a cold pack or cool cloth on the painful area.
If you find you're having migraines often, talk with your doctor.
Taking migraine medicine more than 2 days a week or having more than 3 headaches a month may mean you need a different type of medicine.
With these few tips, and a chat with your doctor if you need it, you can stop migraines before they stop you.
And that can get you and your day moving again.