Hi, I'm Dr. Catherine Serio, a health psychologist.
Over the years, I've counseled many people who are going through tough times.
You may be here because you, or someone you care about, is also going through tough times.
Maybe you want to talk to someone about a health problem you're dealing with, or relationship difficulties.
Or maybe you want to make some lifestyle changes--like quitting smoking or losing weight--and you need help.
Whatever your reason, finding the right person is important.
Keep in mind ... professionals come from different backgrounds.
So the most important things to look for are someone who is licensed, someone who has experience with problems like yours, and ... most importantly ...
someone you feel comfortable with.
Ask for recommendations from friends or family ... even your doctor.
And once you have some names ... call.
That way, you can ask the counselor about their experience working with people like you.
Also, you can ask how long the counseling might take, and that gives you a picture of how it will fit into your life.
During your first session, pay attention to how you're feeling.
Ask yourself, do I feel comfortable talking to this person?
Does this counselor listen well, answer my questions, and explain things clearly?
It may take more than one visit for you to find out whether you and your counselor can work well together.
But if you go to a counselor and feel like things aren't going well, don't give up.
Sometimes a different counselor will fit your needs better.
So keep trying until you've found the right one.
Getting the support you need--it's worth the effort.
Good luck.