Your weight and your health ... how you feel about yourself ...
how you want to feel ... well, that's pretty personal stuff.
And only you know when the time is right to try to make a change.
Maybe you've tried before ... maybe you've tried lots of times.
So, if you're thinking about making a change now, it's important to know why you want to do it.
What's going to make changing your habits worth it?
Take a minute to imagine your life in the future when you're at the weight that feels right to you. What feels different?
As you think about this, it may help to hear from others who have traveled on this journey.
[Man] "I've been heavy my whole life ... but I always thought of myself as healthy.
Then came the high blood pressure ... the pills ... the worry. I had to think again.
I have a wife, a son. I want to be around ... I want to be healthy ...
for me ... and for them."
"I'd been on diets before ... lots of them ... and they never worked.
So I thought of something I could do ... just focus on one meal at a time.
On what I was eating right now and how much.
And not focusing on the next meal. It was a start."
"I can't say it's been easy. Food ... temptation ... it's everywhere.
But, by making better choices in the moment ... I started to see results.
And that helped ... a lot."
"Sure ... I've still got a blood pressure problem.
But the doctor says he can already see an improvement. So that keeps me going.
And I'm thinking ahead ... to my 25th wedding anniversary ...
and my son's high school graduation. I'm gonna be there. And that feels great."
[Woman] "Chest pains--that was my wake-up call.
I knew I needed to lose weight ... but sitting in that ER ... that really brought it home.
I thought about all the things in my life that I don't want to miss ...
my grandchild growing up ... and a long wish list that I haven't even started on."
"And I just decided that I wasn't going to let my weight or my health stop me.
So ... I started walking whenever I could fit it in.
After work ... or some days, before.
I took it easy at first ... easy on me, and on my body, the way my doctor said.
And once I started to lose a little weight, I had more energy.
That helped a lot ... to get me out there the next day."
"Time with my granddaughter is better than ever now.
And I've already crossed a couple of things off my wish list.
I started a cooking club with some friends ...
and I'm thinking about taking a dance class.
One thing at a time, though. I'm getting my life back. And I'm loving it."
Now ... imagine a new chapter in your life that finds you at a healthy weight and enjoying your life.
It all starts with your own reason to say yes to a healthy weight.
And just like the people you've heard here ... you really can do it.
It's your journey, and remembering why change is important can help you move ahead.