You're facing a decision: Is it time to have weight-loss surgery ... also called bariatric surgery?
Or do you want to try to lose weight without having surgery?
It really is your choice ... and it's important to think about both the medical facts and your own feelings.
This video will give you some information that can help you compare your choices ...
so you can make a decision that's right for you.
Okay, let's look at your choices.
You could choose to have weight-loss surgery if you meet the medical guidelines based on your weight and health ... and you've tried for at least 6 months to lose weight through healthy eating and exercise, but you haven't succeeded.
People who have this surgery usually lose weight quickly ...
and they can keep it off if they're careful to permanently limit what ...
and how much ... they eat and drink.
Bariatric surgery can have real health benefits too.
Problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea may go away ...
or at least become easier to manage.
But ... this surgery does have serious risks, including a risk of infection, blood clots, and ... in rare cases ... even death.
It may lead to long-term problems too ... like feeling sick to your stomach, vomiting, having low blood sugar, or not getting enough nutrients for good health.
And ... when you lose weight quickly, you may have a lot of extra skin ...
and it won't go away unless you have another surgery to remove it.
Your other choice is not to have weight-loss surgery.
For your health, you still need to lose weight ...
so you could try changing your eating habits, getting more exercise, and maybe taking prescription weight-loss medicine.
By choosing this path, you'll avoid both the short-term and long-term risks of surgery ... and you won't have the same strict limits on what you can eat and drink.
But ... if you don't manage to lose weight, you'll still have the health risks that go with being very overweight.
So ... are you willing to accept the risks and strict limits that come with surgery?
Or would you rather make changes to your lifestyle to lose weight without surgery?
When you've answered those questions, your next step is to tell your doctor which way you're leaning.
Now ... it can be hard sometimes to talk to doctors, especially if you're not used to it.
But your thoughts and feelings are important ...
and your doctor wants to hear them ... so that by working together, you can decide which choice is best for you.