Having cancer and getting treatment like chemotherapy or radiation can cause you to feel very tired.
This fatigue is common even when your treatment is working.
It can be a lot to deal with on top of the stress of going through treatment and having cancer.
Your medical team will help you manage side effects like fatigue.
And there are things you can do too Like finding ways to lower your stress level because less stress can actually help you feel better and less tired.
This might be a good time to think about trying things like yoga, muscle relaxation, or guided imagery.
Or just take a little time each day to sit and breathe deeply, and focus on the moment try to clear your mind of your worries and fears.
Also try to save your energy for what's important to you and for the things you really enjoy.
And if possible, plan to do things that take more energy during the times when you feel your best.
Think about asking friends or family for help with errands, meals, or housework.
And do what you can to get plenty of rest.
Taking rest breaks or short naps during the day may help.
Also try to be mindful about what you eat.
Because food equals energy.
Eating regular, healthy meals can help you feel stronger and less tired.
Meal replacement drinks may be a good idea too.
On days when you feel up to it, getting some activity may also help your energy level and your mood.
But just do what feels okay for you and gradually do a little more as you're able to and as your doctor advises.
Cancer can take a lot of out of you physically and emotionally.
But focusing on things that will help you feel better like saving your energy, eating well, and calming your mind That can make things a little easier.
Do you have any ideas about what might help you?