[Marnina] "When I was in the doctor's office, and they told me that I had gestational diabetes, I cried.
I wasn't like boo-hoo crying, but you know, a couple of tears shed."
[Lish] "Thoughts that raced through my head when I found out that I had gestational diabetes was that I somehow failed as a pregnant mother.
Everybody said the same thing. 'It's not your fault. This happens to people.
And we're going to help you get through it.'"
[Lori] "Gestational diabetes is not your fault. It just happens to be the way your body is reacting to the hormones of your pregnancy."
[Dr. Nicholson] "It's an important condition because it can affect the mother's ability to manage or control her blood glucose or what we call blood sugar levels in pregnancy.
It may cause the mother to have very high blood sugars that can cause fatigue and cause her to have other associated conditions such as high blood pressure, and ...
more importantly, it can affect the development and growth of the baby.
If the mother's blood glucose levels are too high, it can cause a baby to be overgrown or too large, and that can cause problems around the time of labor and delivery."
[Lori] "I know it sounds like a very scary diagnosis. But I have good news for you.
Gestational diabetes is something that is controllable if you're willing to work as a team with your care providers to work together to get your blood sugars under control."
[Dr. Nicholson] "Your support team can help you learn how to eat healthy meals.
They can help advise you about how to exercise well during pregnancy.
Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly in pregnancy is the best step toward controlling your blood glucose levels."
[Lish] "It's going to probably be some changes in your life. They're positive changes.
You will absolutely be able to see what positive changes those are.
You're going to feel great."
[Dr. Nicholson] "There is nothing for you to feel guilty about.
You have done absolutely nothing wrong.
Your concern really just says that you are a caring mother and you're going to take very good care of this baby.
Your provider, your doctors, your nurses, your diabetes educators, we're all here to help you to achieve the healthy pregnancy that we know you want to have."
[Marnina] "Once he came out, and they was like, 'Oh, your baby is just fine.' I was like, 'Yes, Nina, you did it!' "