[Marnina] "Once I found out I had gestational diabetes ...
and I found out that I had to check my blood sugar, I was kind of nervous.
It's not as bad as you think."
[Lish] "It got to the point where I didn't even feel the prick anymore.
It was very routine for me."
[Dr. Nicholson] "Usually your doctor will ask you to test your sugar levels before breakfast, and 1 hour after each of your meals."
[Lori] "Then you're gonna take this and get a nice firm contact and press that button.
(click) Good."
[Lori] "The reason why we ask you to check your blood sugar so many times is so we can know exactly what your blood sugar is doing in response to what you're eating, and your activity, so that we can make change accordingly."
[Dr. Nicholson] "It's important for you to record what you're eating.
It's also important for you to record your blood glucose levels.
If we don't have that information, we won't have the knowledge to sit down with you ...
to make whatever adjustments we think are necessary to help you to continue to have a healthy pregnancy."
[Lish] "Figure out a way that you can log what you eat and log your sugar readings in a way that makes sense for you.
Just take out your phone and maybe make a note to yourself.
You could send yourself an email.
Maybe just a little pad of paper in your ... in your bag, where you jot down, 'This is what I ate. And this was the sugar reading.' I used a spreadsheet that I created."
[Dr. Nicholson] "We expect for you to keep a record of what you eat on your good days and on your bad days.
In fact your bad days are more important than your good days, because those are the days that yourself and your diabetes team are going to need to focus on so we can make those important changes."
[Marnina] "When I would test my sugar and I had a spike in it ...
I would write down what I ate.
And after, I would talk to Dr. Nicholoson ...
and then we would try to come up with a better time to eat ...
or a substitute for what I was eating."
[Lish] "Being able to see the results on paper of, this is what I ate ...
and to see that my sugar levels were normal ...
It was like, 'Wow. I am completely overcoming this.' And everything was okay."