When you know it's time to go... but you can't. [door opening, closing] You feel blocked.
It's uncomfortable.
The thing is, everyone has their own schedule.
Some people go 3 times a day.
Others go every 3 days.
But you... maybe your schedule is off.
You're straining. [sigh] Or you might be able to go, but you feel you have more to do.
So what's got you blocked?
Sometimes it's a mystery.
Sometimes it's just a change in your routine, such as traveling. [train whistle] Maybe it's something you're not eating, like fiber. [crunch] Sometimes it can also mean you haven't had enough water to drink. [gulp] The doctor may recommend or prescribe a medicine to soften things up or help you go.
Even calling it by name doesn't help it go away.
But you can try these things...
One, eat high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains.
Two, try exercising.
Just a 30-minute walk on most days of the week can help.
Three, try a fiber supplement.
Read and follow all the directions on the label.
[train whistle] If these tips don't help you get back on track, or if things get worse, like if you have a fever, belly pain, or blood in your stool, call your doctor. [phone dialing] Constipation.
It can slow things down.
But give yourself a break and take care.
You'll feel better soon. [train speeding]