Your heart works hard pumping blood through your body.
But for you, this constant hard work can put too much stress on your heart.
So it needs to relax while it works.
And relaxing depends on you taking your beta-blocker.
A lot of people stop taking their medicine, even when they know that it is helping.
And even if they feel bad and their symptoms return.
Plus, beta-blockers can have side effects.
Some people feel tired or feel dizzy or lightheaded.
Sometimes a side effect such as being tired is a sign that your medicine is helping your heart relax.
But talk to your care team.
They may be able to help, such as by changing how much medicine you're taking.
And if you're like so many people who have forgotten the "what" or the "why" about their medicines, it might be time to review your medicine list with your care team.
You can ask about what the medicines do for you.
And they can check that you're not taking anything you don't need.
Or if you're just having a little trouble keeping track, try using a pillbox or set a reminder on your phone.
And if cost is your concern, you can talk to your care team to see if a generic beta-blocker might work for you.
Or they may have other ideas you can try.
Now, taking a beta-blocker is your choice.
But if you stop taking it, you're taking a chance on your heart's health.
Choosing to take it helps you protect your heart and helps you stay healthy.
Try this...
Think about why you want to protect your heart.
Is it because you want to be able to take a walk when you want to?
Or is it because you'd like to visit your friends or family?
Or something else?
Write down your reason.
It's a good idea to have a specific reason.
So with that reason in mind, what would be one thing you could do to keep taking your beta-blocker?
You don't have to do this on your own.
Your care team is there to help.
Tell them what you don't like about taking your beta-blocker.
So together you can find ways to keep taking it.
Because a beta-blocker protects your heart so it can work to give you a healthy life.