When you leave the hospital with your baby, the first days and nights may feel long.
Babies with neonatal abstinence syndrome, or N-A-S, have challenging symptoms and need extra care.
Babies with NAS may be cranky and cry a lot.
They may also be stuffy or sneeze a lot, have jitters or tremors, not eat or sleep well, throw up or spit up, or have diarrhea.
But NAS is temporary.
And day by day your baby will get better, as your baby learns to live without the drugs or medicines it got inside the womb.
At home, your love and care can be powerful medicine.
Keep the toys for later and hold your baby as much as possible, especially skin-to-skin.
Talk to your baby gently and wear your baby when you go out or need to have your hands free.
Bathe your baby in warm water, or massage your baby.
You, your touch, and your calm presence are so important.
When you're calm and relaxed, it helps your baby relax too.
Plus, it's impossible to spoil a new baby.
When your baby is upset, you can try swaddling.
Swaddling can comfort a baby right away.
Some babies like to be fully swaddled.
Others prefer to have their arms free.
Gentle swaying or rocking can also feel good.
Sometimes side to side works.
And sometimes, up and down is more soothing.
Let your baby sleep in a dark, quiet place.
And feed your baby in a quiet place too.
If you give your baby your full attention while feeding, it'll help you tune into your baby's needs.
Many babies with NAS have reflux problems.
So if your baby doesn't eat well, try giving smaller amounts more often.
If you have a day when nothing is working to calm your baby, it's okay to walk away and take a few deep breaths.
And if you're struggling to calm your baby most of the time, or things don't seem to be getting better, it's good to get medical help.
You'll want emergency help if your baby has trouble breathing or has a seizure.
And you'll want to call your doctor if your baby has more trouble eating, is spitting up or vomiting more, or has a fever.
Day by day, you'll understand your baby's needs better.
But you may need a little help from others.
And, you may need to remind yourself that you're doing your best with a baby that needs some extra time to adjust to the world.