Whether it's pinkeye or some other eye problem that needs medicine, this is how to give your child eyedrops or eye ointment.
Make sure you have the correct eyedrops for your child.
It's not okay to share.
Be sure to read, understand, and follow the directions for your child's drops.
So... wash your hands.
And if you have disposable medical gloves...
wear them.
Check the eyedropper.
Is it clean?
If not, you can wipe it with a clean tissue.
Avoid touching the tip with your fingers or touching it on your child's skin.
Okay, ready?
This is going to be easier than you might think.
Have your child lie down and shut their eyes.
Eyes closed.
Squeeze an eyedrop in the inner corner.
When your child opens their eyes and blinks, the drop runs in!
And you're done!
If you need to add more than one drop in your child's eye, wait at least 5 minutes between eyedrops.
Maybe you could read a story while you're waiting for the next drop.
When you're finished, wash your hands.
And yes, wash them even if you wore gloves.
Okay... so what about ointment?
It starts the same.
Make sure you have the correct ointment.
Read and follow the directions.
Wash your hands.
And if you have disposable medical gloves... wear them.
Have your child lie down and shut their eyes.
Now here's where it's different, but it's still pretty simple.
Gently pull the lower eyelid out to create a pouch.
And gently squeeze a thin line of ointment in the pouch.
With your child's eyes closed...
ask your child to move their eyeball from side to side.
This moves the ointment around the eye.
When your child first opens their eyes, things may look blurry.
But it will clear up.
Wash your hands, even if you wore gloves.
So that's how it's done.
It doesn't take long.
Remember, you and your child are on the same team.
When you're relaxed and calm, your child will be more relaxed too.
With a little medicine and time, your child's eyes will be in the clear.