Arrhythmia Care Team

The University of Michigan Arrhythmia Care Team has a long history of treating and managing arrhythmia as well as pioneering many treatments such as cardiac rhythm management and performing some of the very first catheter ablations over 30 years ago. Our team of more than 100 professionals, ranging from doctors and technicians, to nurses and physician assistants, along with schedulers and sheath pullers, are dedicated exclusively to the treatment and diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias with special expertise in atrial fibrillation, implantable cardiac devices (pacemakers and ICDs), and ventricular tachycardia. We perform more than 1,000 catheter ablations and over 400 cardiac device implants per year - setting the standard for treating arrhythmias for the last three decades. Regardless of the individual arrhythmia, our multidisciplinary approach follows patients from diagnosis through treatment and management of these patients, from outpatient to inpatient procedures. Having a team dedicated exclusively to this area of medicine puts patients in experienced hands. Among those are our expert staff nurses, who tirelessly work to protect, promote, and optimize the health of all arrhythmia patients throughout the continuum of care. Another key member of the arrhyththmia treatment team are the sheath pullers, who have the singular job of pulling out the tube that is used to thread catheters from the groin to the heart.  We also have device nurses, who have undergone extensive training to manage all aspect of cardiac device treatments, and are responsible for monitoring and following over 4,000 patients with pacemakers and ICDs to ensure their devices are working properly at all times. Additionally, we work closely with our research department, another reason patients come to us. We are on the cutting edge of new procedures and therapies with many of our physicians among those who are making decisions on national standards of care for these patients.

Make an Appointment

To schedule an appointment to discuss your heart arrhythmia or other cardiovascular condition, call us at 888-287-1082 or visit our Make a Caridovascular Appointment page for more information about what to expect when you call us.