Web Chats
Our “Ask the Experts” web chats are designed to offer tips and information about hot topics in cardiovascular health and wellness. We bring together panels of doctors, researchers, and other health specialists to give you the facts and answer your burning questions. Participation is free and the live chat will be streamed over our Michigan Medicine Facebook page. Past web chats can be accessed via YouTube. To learn about other Michigan Medicine web chats, visit our Ask the Experts online chats page.
Past Web Chats
- Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs/heart pumps) Q&A
- Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICDs) Q&A
- Sports Cardiology Q&A
Support Groups
Download or view the Support Groups PDF for contact information for all of the groups listed below. Due to COVID-19, groups may meet via Zoom or be paused temporarily. Please use the contact numbers below to find out specific details about the group you are interested in.
Amputation and Limb Loss: UM Community Amputee Network (U-CAN). For amputees and family members. Meets first Tuesday of each month, 5:30-7:30 pm at the Orthotics & Prosthetics Center, 2850 S. Industrial Hwy, Ste 400, Ann Arbor, 48104. Call 734-975-7432 for more information.
Arrhythmia Young ICD Connection: Annual all-day conference in October for children, teen and young adult (under 25 years old) ICD recipients and their families. Contact Brynn Dechert-Crooks or Donna Wilkin at 734- 936-9218 for more information.
Cardiovascular Support Group: For cardiovascular patients and their families affected by cardiac illness. The goal of this group is to offer patients and families affected by cardiac illness a space to learn, share and connect with one another. The Cardiovascular Support Group is currently on hold. Check back in the future for new times and dates.
Diabetes Support Groups: For diabetes patients and their families. Type 1: First Tuesday of each month, 6:15-7:30 pm in Domino's Farms Lobby C. Type 2: Second Saturday of each month, 9:30 -11:00 am, Turner Senior Resource Center. Please call for more information (734) 998-2475. Walk-ins welcome.
Heart Transplant Support Group: For pre- and post-heart transplant patients and those with Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs). The group offers social and emotional support as well as educational information and meets the first Monday of every month, 10:00 am - 12:00 noon at University Hospital, Second Floor, 2C108 (across from the Gift Shop). Contact Ruth Halben, LMSW at (734) 763-9788 or Jessica Singer, LMSW at 734-615-7625. Visit the Heart Transplant & LVAD Support Group web page for more information and specific dates. View or download the Heart Transplant and LVAD Support Group PDF.
ICD Education and Support: The program provides education and support to individuals who have been recommend to undergo an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) implant or who have recently received an ICD implant. Classes are held on the third Monday of each month from 3:00-4:00 pm at the U-M Frankel Cardiovascular Center. Sessions are led by a social worker and device nurse. Contact Leah Brock at 734-232-4462 or our device program at 734-647-5499 or 844-369-7816, prompt 1 for more information.
Metabolic Fitness Program: For those with obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure. 24-week program with a 12-week option. Requires referral from your primary care physician. Contact Ronda Barnes at (734) 998-5679 or visit the Metabolic Fitness Program page for more information.
VAD Patient & Family Support Group: For those with Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs) and pre- and post-heart transplant patients. The group offers social and emotional support as well as educational information and meets the first Monday of every month, 10:00 am - 12:00 noon at University Hospital, Second Floor, 2C108 (across from the Gift Shop). Contact Ruth Halben, LMSW at (734) 763-9788, Jessica Singer, LMSW at 734-615-7625, or Rebecca Congdon, LMSW, 734-764-6205. Visit the Heart Transplant & LVAD Support Group web page for more information and specific dates. View or download the Heart Transplant and LVAD Support Group PDF.